It was in Lyon. On the road from Cote d’azur to Paris we had lunch in the culinary capital of France, and perhaps of the world, but it took a little longer than we had planned and once on the Boulevard des Capucines in 14.05 we were in an unpleasant situation. All restaurants and cafes were closed for ‘lunch’.
Hardly finding the only place on place Bellecour, we ate some meat and drank some wine. The road to Paris, where we were waiting for the hotel was marred by several stops, since the meat with the wine could not agree. So, a bad dinner can ruin the impression from both the city and from the entire trip.
Yes, today is TripAdvisor and Michelen, but the first one is based on the opinion of different people, and if one ‘criticism’ lunch in the restaurant’s life, and he is not ready to give one star for the lunch in a Michelin star restaurant. Another may be the first time in my life, seeing the white tablecloths and waiters in tuxedo b-restoranist will put 5 stars and will be in some sense right, because for him this is the best place where he once dined.
Well before Michelen, first, for many ‘star restaurants’ simply can not afford. And not all countries and not all cities are marked in the Red guide.
We made a lot of mistakes and at the same time a lot of time was surprised and fascinated by a particular place. All of our experience we have tried to reflect on this website.
is our trademark, which guarantees a good impression.
Look forward to Your comments and feedback.